This Lent Could Change You

But Only If You Do This...

Dear Friend,

Lent isn’t just another season—it’s an opportunity.

An opportunity to grow in holiness, to detach from distractions, and to draw closer to Christ.

But, real change doesn’t happen by accident.

Too often, we enter Lent without a clear plan, choosing sacrifices at the last minute and hoping for transformation.

But what if this year was different?

What if you prepared your heart before Ash Wednesday, so you could step into Lent with purpose?

I want to challenge you to pause today and reflect:

Where Are You Now? Where Can You Grow?

🙏 Prayer – Is your prayer life where you want it to be? Could you wake up earlier for quiet prayer, commit to a daily rosary, or spend time meditating on Scripture? Choose one way to deepen your conversation with God.

🥖 Fasting – What do you cling to that keeps you from relying fully on Him? Maybe it’s social media, constant snacking, or entertainment. True fasting isn’t just about giving something up—it’s about making room for God. Pick one thing that will stretch you.

💜 Almsgiving – How are you serving others? Can you give more of your time, talents, or resources? Maybe it’s supporting a charity, checking in on a lonely friend, or making a habit of small, unseen acts of kindness. Find one way to give with love.

This Lent could change you—but only if you enter it with intention.

What’s one way you’re preparing? Hit reply and let me know—I’d love to hear!

In Christ,

P.S. Want encouragement and accountability this Lent? Join my Facebook group where we’ll walk through A Lenten Challenge: Pray with Purpose, Fast with Focus, Give with Gratitude together! Click here to join!