Got Carried Away Last Week

However, new project done!!!

Hey friends,

I completely forgot to write an email last week—sorry about that! Life has been so crazy lately, but honestly, I wouldn’t change a thing. This wild journey has led me to an exciting point: by next summer, I’ll have a degree in Application Development! Yup, that means I’ll be able to write apps for both Android and Apple phones, as well as web programs.

Classes wrapped up two weeks ago, and I got an email from a guy, Greg, who helps grow businesses, mention a Chrome extension. It turned out that everything I learned about web programming over the past year was exactly what I needed. So, I dove in, working a couple of hours each day for almost a week, and managed to put something together. The toughest part was figuring out the manifest.json file since we didn’t cover that in class, so I had to look it up online. I’m still not entirely sure about all the permissions, but fingers crossed I didn’t mess anything up!

Last Thursday, we had some crazy storms in Houston. To distract myself from the scary part of living in an RV with 80+ mph wind gusts, we said some prayers, and I focused on submitting the extension to Google. Before I knew it, the storm had passed, and the extension was submitted and is now waiting for approval.

I can’t wait for it to be approved! I’ve already installed it locally on my computer and really love it. Every time I open a new tab, I’m greeted with prayers that change based on the time of day, along with a changing background. It will be completely free once it’s published, and I’ll happily share the link with you. Most applications like emails don’t handle the required files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) well, even as a zip file, otherwise, I’d send them now. In the meantime, I’m dropping some screenshots below for you to enjoy until it gets released.

Talk to you soon!
